Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome to my world...

For awhile now, I've been debating on whether or not I wanted to set up my own blog. Now that I am home, there are so many things that happen daily that are either too cute or too funny not to share. So...

Welcome to my world.

I'm that "crazy mom over there" who tries to do too much, probably kisses her kids too much, is always concerned for others before herself, and ultimately tries to achieve perfection. Perfection that this side of craziness will most likely never see.

I have two boys and a step-daughter, all of which I cherish will all my heart. The older two, Landon and Jordan, will be starting kindergarten this month and it has absolutely taken me for a loop. I actually cried watching the Walmart back to school commercial the other day. They are my babies and to be starting a completely new chapter in their life, and "making new memories without me" as my sister would say, makes me sad, nervous, excited and anxious all at the same time. Will they be liked? Will they do well? Will they be as retarded as they are at home sometimes? lol Forget about that last one... kind of.

I'm thrilled to be able to spend a couple of hours of alone time with my youngest while the older two are at school. He needs it. He's definitely the baby of the family and his attitude and personality portray it well. Apparently, I was exactly the same way when I was his age, so I just figure God is looking down on me and smiling in an "I got you" kind of a way. Yes, I truly believe that even God has a sense of humor.

And while we're on the topic, I love God and have devoted my life to Him and have promised to raise my kids in His Glory and Word. End of story... it's not up for negotiation.

I have an amazing husband, Michael, whom I've known was my soulmate since the first night I met him... the night before I married my ex-husband. Yup, you read correctly. He was dating a friend who came to my bachelorette party and we just clicked. I almost didn't get married the next day because I was so darn sure there was something about him that completed me. Little did I know, a year and a half later, I would be calling him my own. We had a son (the attitude-bearing, know-it-all youngest, Cameron) and got married July 15, 2007. Yes, I know we did it backwards, but we have since put God at the center of our marriage, been forgiven for our wrong doings and are growing stronger by the day.

So at the moment, Cameron is on the floor next to me watching "Ect-Men" (X-Men) and cuddling with is "chocit bunny" (chocolate bunny) and Landon is having his "alone time" as he likes to say, downstairs watching his cartoons. Sometimes, the boys just need a break from each other, and to be honest, I need a break from their arguing. lol Without these little moments, I would probably throw myself off the roof... or punt my kids like a football. Ha Ha... just kidding again, maybe.

Well, hope you enjoy the randomness, humor, enlightening, spiritual and sometimes sophisticated (yeah, right) thoughts that run through my head... but whatever you do, DON'T call me a crazy mom... that's MY job. :)


  1. Cute, Net! Can't wait for the next post! :) XOXO

  2. Well looky there....I'm your first follower!! =) Now come find my blogs...my family blog and my photography blog and soon I'll have a craft blog (still working out the naming it situation)

    Anyway, I am so glad that you're life is so great!! You and your family all look so truly happy! I am excited to read your posts and watch your family grow!
